
Find balance in your life through Breath, Movement and Heart Centered Awareness…

Reclaim your inner peace

YogiBreath studio is now open for classes!

Founded by Husband and Wife team Luke and Helen Harrison, YogiBreath was born from the desire to create a hub of wellness and tranquillity for the community. A place to be, connect, go-within, and help others to see their own inner light shine.


Classes to suit all experience levels

All our current Yoga classes are based in Vinyasa flow, incorporating light breathwork, focused movement, stretching and a beautiful relaxing sound bath to finish. Studio doors open 15mins early to allow time to arrive, set up and begin your gentle meditation.

“Foundations for Good Breathing, Level 1”

Starting Saturday 31st August 11am – 12pm.

This will be an ongoing class in our timetable with Luke Harrison, Certified Breathwork Instructor and Practitioner

Foundations for Good Breathing, Level 1 will be the first in a series of Breathwork classes to be released in succession by YogiBreath Studio. This foundational class will be aimed at setting you up with the right tools, exercises and information for a solid Breathwork practice.

The class will include gentle movement to warm and prepare the body, followed by 4 foundational exercises in a specific order to create maximum benefit to the body and nervous system.

In particular, Luke’s own flagship breath exercise to fully open the breathing system – including helping to clear nasal congestion – will be taught and the inner workings of the body and what is happening with the nervous system will be shared. This Exercise is particularly effective and helpful for those who are mouth breathers or struggle to breathe through their nose.

Other exercises in the class will be based in traditional Pranayama techniques, and the class will close with a short seated meditation.

What to bring: A mat if you have one, (mats also available in the studio). Chairs will also be available if you need one.

What to wear: comfortable clothing that you can sit and move easily in.

Cost: $14 Casual Session, Or use your YogiBreath Class pass

($65 for 5 classes, $120 for 10)

Where we are Located: YogiBreath Studio, 279 Kimberley Road, RD1 Levin, Parking is available down the driveway.

Time: 11am – 12pm, Doors open from 10.40am, please arrive with plenty of time to settle in and complete our new student form (if you are new to the studio).

Spots are Limited to 14 Spaces only.

Send us a message to book your place now.

Or Contact Luke: 022 439 0331

If you are interested in this class, but the day or time is unsuitable for you, please send us an email with your preferred day and time and we will take this into consideration when structuring our timetable.

Private Breathwork sessions also available upon request.

Wednesday Morning Gentle Flow

10am Wednesday 75mins

This class focus’ on gentle movements to open up the body, lengthening stretches, gentle twists and deep relaxation. Energy and alignment focused it is suitable for all ages and activity levels.

Max 12 spaces

Contact Helen to book

Thursday Evening Flow: Starts 28th Sep

5.30pm Thursdays 75min

Heart centered awarenes and breath. Alignment focused flow to move your body and connect to your inner space. Suitable beginner to intermediate. 

Max 12 spaces

Contact Helen to Book

Sunday Good Vibes Flow

11am Sunday 75mins

Feel deeply into the rhythm of your body, being and breath with this moderately paced class. Focus on finding your own pace and rhythm moving to the beat of your breath. Enabling a deep stilling of the mind.

Max 12 spaces

Contact Helen to book

Foundation for Good Breathing 

11am Saturday 60min

Gentle movement, Foundational breathing exercises to clear airways, widen blood vessels and create a strong and efficient breathing system. Exercises to balance nervous system.

Contact Us

Cold Immersion Workshops – Coming soon!


Get Ready To PLUNGE!

Backed by scientifically proven benefits, ice bath, cold immersion workshops including breathwork are on their way. Send us a msg to stay in the loop about upcoming events.

Contact Us

More Classes coming soon!

Can’t make any of the times available? Or have a suggestion for a class you would love? Please contact me below – I would love to hear from you.

Breathwork classes, meditation and cold immersion experiences are also on their way.. watch this space!

Contact Us

Investment – Membership Options

Casual/drop in classes: $14

5 Class pass: $65 ($13 p/class)

10 Class pass $120 ($12 p/class – best option!)

No expiry on class passes

We truly wish to make our Yoga and Breathwork classes accessible for all – Koha and Karma Yogi (time exchange) options are available for those who wish to practice but may not have the funds to support a membership. Please contact us for more info or to enquire.


Finding Balance & Peace

For me, Yoga is not about turning yourself into a pretzel, squeezing yourself into difficult poses or ‘feeling the burn’ at the gym. Its a synergistic relationship between movement and breath – one that in turn allows us to SLOW DOWN and really live our lives the way that we want and need to.. mindfully. 

It is in it’s very nature about stilling the fluctuations of the mind – finding that piece of yourself that is always at PEACE. 

As a society we spend so much of our waking lives being driven by our minds and our thoughts. When we take the time to honour our bodies, focus on our breath and go within, we are more capable of finding and feeling that sense of openness and awareness within our daily lives. 

It is my hope that more and more of us can learn to connect share and grow within through sharing the love, joy and peace of Yoga.

– Helen 


Health is the True Wealth

We can go without water for 3 days, without food for 3 weeks and without oxygen for only 3 minutes.  Breathing is something that we have been doing our whole lives, so we should be professionals at it right?

Unfortunately, due to conditioning we have become shallow and over-breathers and many of us have turned to mouth breathing, which is extremely detrimental to our health.  Using simple breathing exercises and making it a daily practice increases the amount of oxygen we absorb, expands our lung capacity, balances our nervous system, slows down the aging process, massively improves circulation, cuts down on existing inflammation and the list goes on.  Your body will become more efficient in every way.  Recovery from exercise minimised, get more gains quicker, have more energy, perform better in bed, improve memory and more efficient brain function, and so much more.

After practicing daily myself for a while now, studying and researching breathwork, I have the science to back it up and I am excited to share this with as many people as possible.  Breathwork is life changing and a must for everyone, if you want to live life as best as you possibly can – to your full potential.

– Luke

Kyle, participating in a Breathwork and Cold Immersion Workshop at YogiBreath Studio Levin

Book your First Session Today



Luke: 022 439 0331

Helen: 022 480 1060


YogiBreath Studio:

279 Kimberley Road, RD1, Levin, 5571